Event Name: LBFLFK

Event Code : BPS-BFLFK-2
Trade Name:
not available

Crop: Brassica napus - Argentine Canola, Canola, Oilseed rape, Rapeseed, Turnip

Developer: BASF

Method of Trait Introduction: Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated plant transformation

GM Traits: Modified oil/fatty acid , Imazamox herbicide tolerance

Commercial Trait: (StackedHerbicide Tolerance (HT) + Modified Product Quality (PQ)


Basic Genetic Modification

Gene Introduced Gene Source Product Function
PpD6E Physcomitrella patens delta-6 elongase catalyzes the decarboxylation Claisen-like condensation of two carbons from malonyl-CoA to C18:3n-6-CoA generating C20:3n-6-ß-keto-CoA, which is then converted to C20:3n-6-CoA by endogenous enzymes
TcD5D Thraustochytrium sp. two copies of the coding sequence for a delta-5 desaturase, cD5D(Tc)1 and cD5D(Tc)2
OtD6D Ostreococcus tauri delta-6 desaturase converts C18:2n-6 fatty acids into C18:3n-6 fatty acids
TpD6E Thalassiosira pseudonana delta-6 elongase catalyzes the decarboxylation Claisen-like condensation of two carbons from malonyl-CoA to C18:3n-6-CoA generating C20:3n-6-ß-keto-CoA, which is then converted to C20:3n-6-CoA by endogenous enzymes
PsD12D Phytophthora sojae delta-12 desaturase convert C18:1n-9 into C18:2n-6
PirO3D Pythium irregulare two copies of the coding sequence for an omega-3 desaturase, cO3D(Pir)1 and cO3D(Pir)2 converts C20:4n-6 into C20:5n-3
PiO3D Phytophthora infestans omega-3 desaturase converts C20:4n-6 into C20:5n-3
TcD4D Thraustochytrium sp. delta-4 desaturase converts C22:5n-3 into C22:6n-3
PlD4D Pavlova lutheri delta-4 desaturase convert C22:5n-3 into C22:6n-3
OtD5E Ostreococcus tauri delta-5 elongase catalyzes the decarboxylation Claisen-like condensation of two carbons from malonyl-CoA to C20:5n-3-CoA generating C22:5n-3-ß-keto-C oA, which is then converted to C22:5n-3-CoA by endogenous enzymes
AtAHAS Arabidopsis thaliana acetohydroxy acid synthase large subunit tolerance to the herbicide imazamox


Regulatory Approvals: Country, Year and Type of Approval

Country Food
direct use or processing
direct use or processing
domestic or non-domestic use
South Korea      
United States      
for Processing
for Commercialization
until 2029

 * point mouse arrow over year for notes

Last updated: December 26, 2024


Documents and Links

Event Description

Regulatory and Biosafety Information