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ELDIS Gateway to Development Information
ELDIS aims to share the best in development, policy, practice and research. |
EMBnet is a science-based group of collaborating nodes throughout Europe and a number of nodes outside Europe. The combined expertise of the nodes allows EMBnet to provide services to the European molecular biology community which encompasses more than ca |
ENDURE brings together more than 300 researchers in the fields of agronomy, biology, ecology, economics and the social sciences from 18 organisations in 10 European countries. They are committed to the ENDURE NoE (Network of Excellence) for four years (2007-2010), with the financial support of the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme, priority 5: 'Food Quality and Security'.
Environmental Biosafety Research Journal
An interdisciplinary Journal for Research on GMOs and the Environment |
Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand)
The purpose of this site is to provide information about the Environmental Risk Management Authority, how to comply with the HSNO Act, and facilitate informed participation in ERMA New Zealand's decision-making processes. |
Environmental Science & Technology
Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal combines magazine and research sections and is published both in print and online. |
Estonian Biotechnology Association (EBio)
EBio was founded in 2003 by 15 biotechnology companies and organizations. Currently, EBio joins 20 members, both enterprises as well as research institutions. |
Ethanol Africa
Ethanol Africa is a unique cooperation between maize farmers, technologists, and specialists in the clean technology market. |
EU Joint Research Center: Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
The purpose of this web site, managed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission on behalf of the Directorate General for the Environment is to publish information and to receive comments from the public regarding notifications about deliberate field trials and placing on the market of genetically modified organisms
This European portal is dedicated to EU-funded research in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development. Users will find here all information related to research themes, research projects, on-going and future calls, related policies, future research and all practical information (calendar, contacts, publications). |
EU-Sponsored Research on the Safety of GMOs
This website provides a comprehensive review of the results of EC-supported research into the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms. It presents research carried out under successive EC Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development from 1985 (Biotechnology Action Programme) to 2000 (Fifth Framework Programme).
Eukaryotic Genomics
Database of eukaryotic genomes |
Euphytica is an international journal covering the theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding, and publishing critical reviews and papers on original research.
The journal reports on the growing field of research associated with the integration of modern and traditional plant breeding using transgenic crop plants and/or marker assisted breeding in combination with traditional breeding tools. |
Eurekah Bioscience Database
A Comprehensive Resource in Bioscience and Biomedicine |
EuropaBio, the European Association for Bioindustries, represents nearly 33 member companies operating worldwide and 24 national biotechnology associations. Through our associations EuropaBio is also the voice of 1200 small and medium-sized enterprises in |
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
The EBI is a centre for research and services in bioinformatics. The Institute manages databases of biological data including nucleic acid, protein sequences and macromolecular structures. |
European Commission (EC)
The European Commission embodies and upholds the general interest of the Union and is the driving force in the Union's institutional system. Its four main roles are to propose legislation to Parliament and the Council, to administer and implement Communit |
European Commission Biotechnology
The strategy for Europe on life sciences and biotechnologyproposes a comprehensive roadmap up to 2010, bringing the sector to the forefront of the frontier technologies which will help the EU achieve the long-term jobs and growth targets established by the Lisbon European Council.
European Community Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism
Supporting the Convention on Biological Diversity |
European Environmental Agency (EEA)
The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public. |